Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The Military Women Exchange Teamed up with The American Legion to Provide Educational Programs during the 94th Annual American Legion Convention

At the 94th Annual American Legion Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana there was a series of workshops, book signings, mentoring, and speed coaching from the Military Women Exchange: Operation Next Step. The convention was held August 25-28. The events being put together by the Military Women Exchange took place on the 27th and 28th.

Andrea March and Sue Malone recognized the need for women veterans to have special programs that can focus on their military training and use it for the job market or for launching their own business. To fulfill this need they launched the Military Women Exchange: Operation Next Step.

To help women in and involved with the military get the training they need to avoid unemployment, the American Legion launched this never before done event at the 94th annual convention. The biggest convention the American Legion hosts.

This allowed military involved women to receive key insights into business and employment. They had the chance to hear from experts including TargetGov’s own President, Gloria Larkin. Her presentations, “Exploring the $500 Billion Hidden Market: Selling to the Federal Government and Military” and “How to Guarantee Decision Maker Meetings” were crucial for anyone looking to work within the federal government contracting market.

Women in the military have put their lives on the line, “It is our turn to help them put their lives back into the workplace,” said Andrea March, co-founder of Military Women Exchange: Operation Next Step and Women’s Leadership Exchange.   “We are taking what we have done so well for 10 years in promoting, networking and offering women in the business world a place to get even better, now it is time to help the women who have given us a free country.”

Other workshop topics associated with the Military Women Exchange included:

•    5 Keys to Email Marketing
•    Take Control of Your Destiny – Setting SMART Goals That Get You Where You Want
•    P.L.A.Y. Money: How to Have All the Money you Need as Long as you Live Without Working.
•    Big Bright Careers! What Your Future Holds for You!
•    Establish Your Brand as an Asset that Fuels Growth
•    What’s the Cost Your Company and You Personally Endure If You Don’t Consistently Communicate Your Unique Value and Brand?
•    Yes, There is Still Money Available to Start or Expand your Business – Come and Learn How
•    How Social Media Can Help Your Business Succeed!

With two days of workshops, speed coaching, book signings, and mentoring women involved with the military were sure to walk away with the tools they need for success.

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