On April 16, 2013 the next course in the GovernmentContracting Institute’s series of courses, “Proposal Writing Tools for Success”
will take place at bwtech@UMBC’s Cyber Incubator located at 5520 Research Park
Drive, Baltimore, MD 21228.
The instructor for this course is Dr. Robert Frey, Principal
and Co-Owner in the consultancy, Successful Proposal Strategies, LLC in
Northern Virgina. Dr. Frey has been instrumental in helping his customers
attain $3.854 billion in funded, multi-year contract awards within defense,
civilian, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies.
What attendees will learn about during the course:
evidence of Significant Strengths, the precise elements that the Federal
Government will look for and assess during the formal evaluation of your
compelling "Understanding" and "Approach" sections of your
proposal to achieve a maximum score
key conceptual graphics early in the proposal development lifecycle to help
guide your thinking and writing
proposal sections effectively and efficiently - with clear focus on tangible
and intangible benefits to the customer's mission and evolving business
both stated and unstated customer requirements and expectations in your
proposal document to offer those critical elements that are being sought
compelling, fact-based proposal stories that resonate with the evaluators
during source selection
proven proposal production and publication scenarios - balancing process versus
content issues
innovative Knowledge Management (KM) processes and tools to proposal
development to save time and money as well as leverage "what you
What have people been saying about past institute courses?
“Highly experienced, qualified professionals who can speak
to a level the audience can clearly understand!”
“This was a great experience!”
“Speakers and materials were well-experienced and
“Fabulous, down-to-earth, easy to understand information
that I’ve been looking for, for two years!”
“Excellent presentation. Jam packed with actionable
To register for the course or receive more information about
the Government Contracting Institute, click here.