Thursday, August 30, 2012

Want to Get Noticed in the Federal Government Contracting Maze? Learn how at the National HUBZone Conference.

The National Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Conference, being held in Washington, D.C. on September 5-7 by the HUBZone Council, will feature a presentation by TargetGov President Gloria Larkin titled, “Getting Noticed in the Government Contracting Maze.” Her presentation is on the second day of the conference (September 6th), and will start at 2:10.

Her talk will focus on the maze that is federal government contracting and how to navigate it successfully and effectively.

A sample of the topics included in the presentation:

•    Good general practices for getting noticed
•    Locations that will help visibility
•    How to focus on a specific target and opportunity
•    Information about Capability Statements
•    Key elements to getting noticed
•    Common mistakes to avoid

With this presentation attendees become better informed on how to get noticed in the crowd that forms around federal government contracting. Gloria Larkin helps businesses discover ways that make them stand out among the numerous lists of potential government contractors.

The HUBZone Conference is held annually and features many helpful features that inform attendees like in person private-match making sessions with federal agencies and prime contractors as well as talks from expert speakers. This year’s event is being held at the Liaison Capitol Hill Hotel.

Click here to learn more about HUBZone and the HUBZone Conference.

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