Monday, March 14, 2011

TargetGov has a new address!


The TargetGov team is growing and we have a new office! First, we welcome Lisa Schuster, who has joined the team as a dynamic administrative expert.

Second, just this week we also moved to larger office-the first move since we started in 1997. Our new address is:
9250 Bendix Road, North, Ste 215
Columbia, MD 21045
866-579-1346 Toll-free
410-579-1346 Local

For those of you who recognize the address, we are very happy to be part of the Neo-Tech Incubator, a nationally-recognized award-winning business incubator. We are the federal contracting experts-in-residence and we look forward to continuing our long relationship working with incubator-based firms and also firms located nation-wide who want to grow their federal contracting business.

Check out the Sources Sought teleconference below-a remarkable situation is happening right now and over a thousand Sources Sought Notices (SSNs) have flooded FedBizOpps since Feb 1 (compared to less than 100 in the same period last year). Are you getting the business out of these SSNs, or are you handing it over to your competitors?

And, I ask for your vote yet one more time. I did not know there would be a finalist process for the Corridor Inc Person of the Year award, but there is, and I made the cut. If you could please take a few seconds to click here and vote, I would appreciate it.

Because you asked: I believe the prospective federal shutdown is grand theater and IF it should actually happen, every politician, red, blue or tea, that caused it should be ashamed. While some seem to relish the idea of shutting down bureaucrats, have they forgotten about the thousands of people employed by government contractors who will be shut down, who won't be paid, who will be in dire straits even by losing a week or two of pay? Don't just sit there and grouse about it, tell your congress people what YOU want. It takes 2 min., and they will listen.

Here's to your success!

Gloria Berthold Larkin
President, TargetGov

The New Book is Here!


Finally! The Basic Guide to Government Contracting is hot off the presses, ready for shipping and also available on Kindle. This new, informative book is a serious approach to building a successful government contracting business. There is nothing easy about this market-but for those who make the commitment to it, the rewards can be many.

What are readers saying? "You have made a complicated process understandable and doable." And "I can now see how my business can take practical steps and build a solid foundation for success."

My husband is glad it is finally printed-I admit, many long nights and weekends went into the creation of this book, and I appreciate his patience and support!

Click here for more book details. Want to read an except? Email me and I'll send you a free excerpt. Our first book launch party will be at the Center Club Government Contracting Group Happy Hour Feb 9, attend as a guest and celebrate with me!

Dr Ulwyn Pierre interviewed me on her radio show at Voice of America. Click here for the full story.

Trying to track me down? Look for me at the:

--Women in Construction at the Gaylord Washington DC Feb 7
--Lorman National Teleconference Feb 8
--Center Club Happy Hour in Baltimore Feb 9
--Women in GovCon Teleconference Feb 10
--NAWBO in Columbia MD Feb 11

Stop by, call in, email me; say hello and let me know how you are doing. And, if you could do me a favor and vote for me (see below) I would appreciate it!

Here's to your success!

Gloria Berthold Larkin
President, TargetGov

New Year - New Format


Welcome to our new newsletter format-what do you think? Too big, too small, just right? Let me know and we'll tweak it to be just right for you.

Lot's going on, I hope you can participate in the energizing, business building and thought-provoking events, webinars, teleconferences, sessions and happy hours. OK, we may not provoke deep thoughts at the happy hour, but we will enjoy seeing you, our friends, colleagues, contractors and clients. Success is all about building relationships, right?

Check out the "conscious fund" story below. It's from our friends at Bloomberg Government. Who would have thought that this "guilt fund" started in the 1800's!

We have a number of client successes kicking off 2011-let us know if we can help you be more successful in your federal contracting efforts.

Here's to your continued success!

Gloria Berthold Larkin
President, TargetGov

Thoughts for the New Year


I think we are ingrained with the process of evaluating the past year and making plans for the upcoming year-whether we want to admit it or not. What is your method: do you make a conscious effort and perhaps even write it all down, or do you make a mental note: am I up or down and take a gut read if that is OK or not? Or do you choose a third option and ignore it all completely and hope for a better year?

While I am a hopeful person myself, I have to tell you, hope is not an effective business strategy. And, brace yourself, because the mental notes and gut reads are not what drive a business to success.

Let's use this new year to do what we really want to do: plan a celebration for December 2011 where we are toasting each other and happily recounting the successes we have enjoyed all year long!
We are going to do exactly that during our next teleconference. Not just the celebration, but also put together a real plan for federal contracting success in 2011.
Be our guest-we see it as our contribution to building the economy--Join us on January 20, 2011 and start that route to success by taking stock of where we are today, acknowledging what worked last year and what did not work, and making solid plans detailing how to grow your business to reach a profitable goal. For those that have attended our teleconferences in the past, you know that we give you real, valuable, actionable information. I hope that you will join us as we make a plan for real success in 2011! Click here to register.
And, I have a different call to action for you: Would you consider making this a year to pay it forward? Would you consider making a conscious decision to do something for someone in need? If they need to be let in in the line of traffic, if they need to hear a kind word, if they need to vent and you are the listener, if they need a second chance, if they need something, would you consider it? You may choose no, that is fine. The conscious consideration is what matters.
I hope to see you or talk with you soon.
Here's to your continued success!

Gloria Berthold Larkin

President, TargetGov
