Monday, March 10, 2008

Small Business Development Conference

The Office of Congresswoman Thelma Drake has begun accepting registrations for the Small Business Development Conference on

DATE: Friday, March 28th, 2008
TIME: 8:00am to 12:00pm
LOCATION: Virginia Beach Central Library, Auditorium, Folio, & Libris Rooms
4100 Virginia Beach Boulevard Virginia Beach, Virginia

The Conference will offer separate tract sessions providing a comprehensive, informational opportunity to address your business' changing needs.

Federal, State and local resources will be on hand to present on topics and resources for small business owners, with tract sessions to include:
* Start-Up Business Development
* Advanced Business Development
* Procurement Opportunities

Please contact Ms. Claire Winiarek, Grants and Projects Coordinator, Congresswoman Thelma D. Drake (VA-2), directly to RSVP via 757.497.6859 or email: Ref: "TLI" as your point of entry.

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