Monday, August 27, 2007

WIPP INVITATION to the September Powerful Policy and Politics Conference

POWERful Policy and Politics ~ September 17-19, 2007 ~ Renaissance Mayflower Hotel ~ Washington, DC ~

POWERful Policy and Politics is almost here. If you haven’t registered yet, or made your hotel registration, it is not too late. There are plenty of good reasons to attend but here are some of the top benefits:

  1. You will meet incredible women from across the country – women just like you who are smart and successful – and want to make a difference!
  2. You will learn a lot about the legislative issues that make a difference to small businesses from the best political strategists in Washington!
  3. You will learn how to be an effective advocate and lobbyist for the issues that make a difference to you!
  4. You will meet your elective representatives and staff on the Hill, in their offices!
  5. You will meet the federal procurement representatives you need to know to gain entry into the federal contracting arena!
  6. You will meet, sit with, talk to and get to know top corporate leaders!
  7. You will hear THE top 2008 Election outlook from the best in the field!
  8. You will learn strategies to build a multi-cultural organization and meet the top corporate, entrepreneur and agency leaders in the country – and learn how strong diverse leadership strengthens our economy!
  9. You will meet 5 young entrepreneurs, competing for the Elizabeth Dole Young Entrepreneur Scholarship Award!
  10. We’ll have special receptions and a Gala – not to be missed! Click here for the agenda and registration.

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