Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ramping up quickly to win a contract: A solution for small and medium-sized contractors

In the wake of disasters such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, government contracting opportunities grow. But winning those contracts often depends on hiring and orienting new employees quickly. For a large company with a sizable human resources department, bringing on a new workforce is merely a challenge. For smaller organizations, it can seem like an insurmountable obstacle.

A growing number of contractors are finding a solution by hiring a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), which functions as an HR department for small and medium-sized companies.

The advantages of a PEO include:
§ Assistance with hiring and orientation: A full-service PEO such as Administaff can assist client companies in all facets of hiring, including placing ads, reviewing resumes, interviewing and conducting background checks, and employee orientation.
§ Accurate contract proposals : A PEO gives a company the capability to quantify the annual cost of each employee to make an accurate calculation of direct hourly costs.
§ Answers from specialists: A PEO can provide guidance and answers to many of the questions regarding personnel-related issues.
§ Regulatory compliance: PEOs stay updated on changes in employer-related laws and regulations and assist companies in staying compliant.
§ Access to reports for contract audits : Some PEOs provide 24/7 access online to information and reports for complying with contract audit requirements.
§ Attract new employees with big-company benefits : Some PEOs offer medical, dental, and vision insurance, life and disability insurance, retirement programs, tuition reimbursement, and adoption assistance – benefits typically found at large corporations.

Outsourcing their HR to a PEO allows small companies to function like big ones. It is just one of the reasons behind the growing trend. In fact, the Gartner Group predicts that more than 85 percent of U.S. employers will outsource at least one HR function in the future.

Whether it is landing a first-time contract or adding larger contracts to the roster, working with a PEO can give contracting companies a competitive edge in winning proposals.

Article provided by Rob Kimmel and Peter Pfeiffer, district managers in Administaff’s Washington , D.C. offices. Administaff (NYSE: ASF), the nation’s leading Professional Employer Organization, serves as a full-service human resources department for thousands of small and medium-sized businesses throughout the United States. For more information, call 1-800-465-3800 or visit www.administaff.com.


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Anonymous said...

Your comments about professional employer organizations are "right on." Thanks for alerting your readers to their value. For more information on PEOs, visit www.napeo.org.