Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Letter from TargetGov President Gloria Larkin


Does it feel as if you are well into 2013 already (instead of just two weeks), trying to keep up with ...everything?! The challenges we face offer a wide range of solutions, some that energize us and others that drain us. Serious situations may cause us to agonize over the resolutions - especially if we dwell on the "what ifs" too long.

But once that tough decision is made, don't you find that your focus is better, your energy renewed and the path towards moving ahead towards your goals much clearer? If you are in the middle of this kind of challenge, just let me offer this: keep on putting one foot in front of the other-even if those steps are small, they are still moving forward and you can give yourself some valuable energy-rebuilding time.

Yes, I have been through this walk myself, and coming out on the other side of the challenge is incredibly rewarding and energizing. Thanks to a great team, (and a growing team!) a wonderful understanding husband and caring colleagues.

Speaking of growing-we are looking for the next TargetGov teammates-an administrative assistant and a research analyst. If you or someone you know may be interested, please send them our way.

The Government Contracting Institute is moving forward in full swing-with classes in January, February, March and all the way through July. Now is the time to refresh your focus, update your strategies and tactics, set the plan into action-count on us to help with these classes. Each class is a full day, advanced level, with expert instructors. Powerful information, for those who are committed to succeed in 2013.

Let me know how you are doing-and of course, if we can help you plan for success in 2013-reach out, email or call 866-579-1346. We are here to help!

Here's to your success!

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