Wednesday, August 01, 2012

A Message from TargetGov President Gloria Larkin

Many of us have been compelled to watch Team USA in the 2012 Olympics-are you as amazed as I am with the caliber of athletes? Over 10,000 athletes are expected to participate in the games and we have already seen the unexpected: "sure things" that were not, upsets, new world records and unbounded joy. Watching the athletes perform is tense enough, watching their parents roller coaster through their own emotions is even tougher!

When we inspect our lives we see the same rollercoaster-just thankfully, not as fast nor as public.

One of the roller coaster rides we are seeing in the federal marketplace is the issues of sequestration-will it or won't it happen? And in either case, how does it affect our business?

If you are a large, small or mid-sized business, a non-profit or in academia, we will all be affected and not in a positive way.

Sequestration will reduce our options dramatically and not just because of reduced budgets. The psychology of loss, of confusion and the lack of dependability will affect every person in the US. Our elected leaders are responsible for this debacle, please tell your congress members what you think of their inability to work together to keep our country moving.

In the meantime, you know that I will make every effort to keep you and your business moving forward. That is one thing you can count on!

Here's to your success.

-Gloria Larkin, TargetGov President

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