Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Breaking News!!!

A victory for business: the Senate voted yesterday to repeal the expanded Form 1099 requirement. The bill now goes to the President, who has stated his intent to sign the repeal into law. Beginning in 2012, businesses would have been required to file 1099 forms for all payments of $600 or more for goods and services annually. The bill also repeals additional reporting requirements for rental properties. WIPP has worked diligently to repeal these requirements since the law passed. This is a victory for all business owners. To read WIPP's statement on this vote, click here.
We have been busy--as are all the savvy contractors positioning themselves for the floodgates opening when the budget is approved. Yes, there will be cuts, but $380 billion or more will be spent between now and the fiscal year end: Sept 30. Postpone those vacation plans, you will be working overtime this summer to respond to RFPs and win bids!

And finally, check out this Wall Street Journal article (, I was honored to be included in the story, even if it was about cuts in the budget.

Here's to your success!

Best Regards,

Gloria Berthold Larkin

President, TargetGov

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