Monday, March 14, 2011

New Year - New Format


Welcome to our new newsletter format-what do you think? Too big, too small, just right? Let me know and we'll tweak it to be just right for you.

Lot's going on, I hope you can participate in the energizing, business building and thought-provoking events, webinars, teleconferences, sessions and happy hours. OK, we may not provoke deep thoughts at the happy hour, but we will enjoy seeing you, our friends, colleagues, contractors and clients. Success is all about building relationships, right?

Check out the "conscious fund" story below. It's from our friends at Bloomberg Government. Who would have thought that this "guilt fund" started in the 1800's!

We have a number of client successes kicking off 2011-let us know if we can help you be more successful in your federal contracting efforts.

Here's to your continued success!

Gloria Berthold Larkin
President, TargetGov

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