Monday, April 21, 2008

New Health Care Legislation Targets Small Business

Health care is a hot issue in Campaign 2008, and we can expect to see a host of health care solutions proposed in Congress starting now and continuing into next year. In recent weeks, leading Senators have introduced two approaches that seek to help small business owners facing major increases in the cost of health insurance. The Small Business Health Plans Act (S. 2818), introduced by Sens. Enzi (R-WY), Nelson (D-NE), and Gregg (R-NH) is the latest and revised edition of a proposal that has passed the House on several occasions in recent years. This plan creates a version of Association Health Plans (AHPs) where small businesses are permitted to purchase insurance through trade associations who contract with insurance providers and are thus able to pass on lower costs.

A different approach is offered in S. 2795, the Small Business Health Options (SHOP) Act of 2008, takes a slight different approach. Introduced by Sens. Durbin (D-IL), Snowe (R-ME), Lincoln (D-AR), and Coleman (R-MN), the SHOP Act would create national and state-run insurance pools for small employers. The self-employed would also be included in these packages. The bill also provides employer tax credits (up to $1000 per employee) to help encourage participation in the pools.

Learn more about S. 2818, the Small Business Health Plans Act, and S. 2795, the Small Business Health Options Act, visit the Library of Congress’ THOMAS website.

All stories © 2008 The Public Forum Institute, National Dialogue on Entrepreneurship

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