Monday, March 31, 2008

Is Health Insurance for Small Businesses and the Self-Employed Prohibitive?

Many small business no longer offer health insurance, and self-employed individuals are have dropped coverage because they cannot afford it. This article in the NY Times has very good information about your options.

“…. an expert on health insurance issues, shared a valuable tool, The site, maintained by the Georgetown Health Policy Institute, shows a map of the country and after clicking on a state, a document is downloaded that covers everything from what kinds of programs are available to small-business owners to whether there is a high-risk pool available for those who have been rejected by insurance providers. These primers are comprehensive and frequently updated, and they are a great place to start, especially if you have been wondering about the meaning of jargon that peppers insurance providers’ descriptions of their offerings...”

An excerpt from the NY Times article: Finding Health Insurance if You Are Self-Employed

Click here for more info.

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