Monday, September 17, 2007

The Small Business Advocate

Advocacy: the voice of small business in government

The Small Business Administration Advocacy is turning its attention to the existing regulatory burden facing small business. By one estimate, the total cost to comply with current regulations is $1.1 trillion, and small business pays a disproportionate share of that cost. Advocacy wants to reduce regulatory burden by identifying and reforming existing rules that are outdated, ineffective, or unworkable. You can help them identify burdensome rules and regulations that affect YOUR business. Advocacy’s new Regulatory Review and Reform— or r3—initiative ( ) is designed to give small business a voice in the review and reform of existing rules. Just as the RFA training effort has been successful in helping agencies consider small business when making new rules, the r3 initiative will work to help agencies consider small business when evaluating their existing rules.

SBA’s r3 Website Features Nomination How-To’s
The Small Business Administration Advocacy’s r3 website contains new information and updates.
Advocacy recently added complete nomination criteria guidelines to assist small businesses in nominating regulations that should be reviewed. Visit to consult the guidelines. Submit nominations to or contact Assistant Chief Counsel Keith Holman at (202) 205-6936.

A complete series of questions and answers regarding the r3 initiative is now available at
All r3 initiative information can be found at

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