Monday, July 30, 2007

Gloria Berthold awarded WIPP Member of the Year

Gloria Berthold will be awarded the 2007 Member of the Year Award by Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP), a national bi-partisan public policy organization representing more than 505,000 women in business and women business owners. She will be honored on Tuesday, September 18th, at the WIPP Awards Luncheon in Washington DC. for her dedication, devotion and achievements as a business owner and as a leader in the WIPP organization.

Barbara Kasoff, President and CEO of WIPP, a nationwide group encouraging the collective vision and voice of women to impact legislation affecting the business community, had this say to say about Ms. Berthold, "She is a role model for all our members, excelling in her advocacy work and generosity of spirit, and setting an example for all to emulate.” Kasoff thanked her for all her work and her guidance and support.

Currently Ms. Berthold is the Maryland Advocacy Director for WIPP. In this capacity, she has volunteered her time and expertise to inform business owners regarding pending legislation affecting their businesses; she has also met with legislators, offered testimony to affect changes and taught other business owners how to do the same. She is active in the Maryland Instant Impact Team and the WIPP Procurement Council. Ms. Berthold said, “I searched a long time to find an organization that offers bipartisan support for business owners. WIPP not only represents business owners from both parties, but it actively advocates and gets results from both parties. I love being part of an effective group!”

Gloria Berthold has been President of Marketing Outsource Associates, a full service business development and marketing firm since 1997, and its division, TargetGov, since 2004. TargetGov specializes in government contracting business development at federal, state, and local levels. In addition, Ms. Berthold is also a government contractor as well as a published author, speaker and instructor on the subject of government contracting and general business development. Her quotes have appeared in USA Today, Inc. Magazine, and Government Executive Magazine and she has been interviewed in podcasts for and The Business Monthly. For more information visit:

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