Thursday, June 21, 2007

2007 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Conference

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) inconjunction with the Metropolitan Washington D.C. Chapter of theConference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO), is pleased tosponsor the 2007 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise ProcurementConference on Wednesday, July 25, 2007. This event will be held in theLobby Level Meeting Room at the Jackson Graham Building, located at 600Fifth Street NW, Washington, DC.

You are cordially invited to attend this event. WMATA have assembled anumber of timely workshops and distinguished speakers for this event. Workshop topics were developed from surveys we conducted from industrybusinesses.

The agenda is as follows:
• Registration and Continental Breakfast (8:00 am to 8:45 am)
• Opening Remarks (8:45 am to 9:00 am)
• Exhibit Hall - Meet with Large Corporations and Government Agencies (9:00 am - 2:00 pm)
• Bank Lending and Financial Services (9:00 am to 10:00 am)
• Bonding and Insurance (10:05 am to 11:00 am)
• How to Market to the Federal Government (Gloria Berthold is speaking!) and Get a GSA Schedule (11:05 am to 12:00 pm)
• Building Wealth and Protecting Your Business (12:05 pm to 1:00 pm)
• Closing Remarks (1:05 pm to 1:20 pm)

We look forward to seeing you on July 25th and hope that you willparticipate in this, which is one of many events that WMATA will sponsorto help you market your business. Attached, please find a registrationform, which you should complete and return via fax # 202-962-2038. Should you have any additional questions or require further assistancecontact us via email at

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