Friday, September 01, 2006

Sept-Oct TargetGov Teleconference Schedule

Click the date for more details

September 7, 2006 -- How to Break Into the Intelligence Agency Market: There are 15 Intel Agencies controlling billions in contracting dollars. Attend this teleconference to open the door to this secretive market.

September 21, 2006 -- Non-Profits, Grants and Government Contracting Learn how your not-for-profit organization can take advantage of grants and business opportunities available through the federal government.

October 5, 2006—Two Tracks! 8(a) Certification -- Will It Help You Win More Contracts? 2 Tracks: Choose the one that is best for you or attend both for full information. Attend both and save $40!
Over $15 Billion in federal contracts are set aside for those companies meeting Minority, Disadvantaged, HUB Zone or other certifications. Do you qualify for certification? If so, how do you get certified and then use that certification to open the door to business opportunities? Attend one or both TargetGov Teleconferences for answers!

October 19, 2006 -- Two Track GSA Teleconferences -- Track 1: What a GSA Schedule Is and How to Obtain One from and Track 2: Now That You Have a GSA Schedule, Learn How to Use It to Get Contracts. Getting a GSA Schedule can be one of your most effective business development tools for the federal governemnt market. Attend these two teleconferences to learn how to get a GSA Schedule and how to use it effectively!

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