Contracting Vehicle Use Expected to Change Within DoD
What contracting vehicles will give you the best exposure? GovExec Magazine says: “…Of the roughly $300 billion Defense spends on contracts annually, 2 percent is directed to interagency-assisted acquisitions while another 5 percent is spent on GSA's Multiple Awards Schedule and NASA's Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement... OMB also is weighing whether to develop a governance structure for creating and renewing interagency contracts. If adopted, such a governing body could determine whether "it's in government's best interests too keep all of its interagency vehicles," according to Robert Burton, deputy administrator of OMB's Office of Federal Procurement Policy. According to recent data, there are 54 multiple award contracts and 13 governmentwide acquisition contracts. ..”
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Will Women and Veterans Have More
Government Contract Opportunities?
“The House Small Business Committee approved a bill on Thursday designed to increase opportunities for veterans to have a larger role in procurement of federal contracts... To implement the executive order, the bill requires the Small Business Administration to provide service-disabled veterans the proper education, information and training for participating in the federal contracting process.
The bill also sought to provide more procurement opportunities for women by fully implementing the SBA's Women's Procurement Program. The program allows for the waiver of competition requirements in contracting if two or more offers come from female majority-owned businesses that are economically disadvantaged and are in an industry where female businesses are underrepresented…”
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