Thursday, June 28, 2007
Mikulski announces $164 Million for Fort Meade
The spending bill includes $164 million for Fort Meade in Anne Arundel County. The breakdown includes $152 million in BRAC funding for a Defense Information Services Agency building; $7.9 million for a new power, space and cooling utilities building at NSA; $4 million for an exterior stair tower at the NSA Operations Building to address building safety codes; $94,000 in BRAC funding for a clearance adjudication facility.
The bill also includes $87.5 billion for critical Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) programs, a significant $4 billion more than President George W. Bush requested and the largest increase for veterans’ health care in the 77 years of the department’s existence. In the next step of the appropriations process, the bill will go to the Senate floor for a vote, which has not yet been scheduled.
The legislation, which passed the full Senate Appropriations Committee, contains provisions for military installations nationwide, with federal funding totaling $21.55 billion to support new construction costs.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Federal Support for Small Manufacturers
Access the May 2007 Government Accountability Office report here
This story © 2007 The Public Forum Institute and the National Dialogue on Entrepreneurship.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Gloria Berthold-Bravo Business Achievement Awardee
Ms. Berthold, and other award winners, will be honored at the awards ceremony on July 19, 2007 at the Padonia Park Club and will be highlighted in the July issue of the Baltimore SmartCeo Magazine.
Gloria Berthold, was selected because of her varied business achievements and her service to fellow business women and the business community. In 2006, Ms. Berthold was chosen as one of five US business women to travel to the Middle East to mentor and counsel business women from 17 countries throughout North Africa and the Middle East regarding building their own economic independence as new business owners. Here in the U.S., she offers practical advice and counsel to help business owners to be more effective and understand the realities of time and financial commitment needed to create a successful business.
Gloria Berthold has been President of Marketing Outsource Associates, Inc., a woman-owned, privately held company offering business development and marketing services since 1997, and it’s division, TargetGov. TargetGov specializes in government contracting business development at federal, state, and local levels. Ms. Berthold is a government contractor and an expert author and speaker regarding government contracting. She has instructed contractors regarding government business development in recent teleconferences and procurement conferences and has been quoted in USA Today, Inc. Magazine, and Government Executive Magazine.
In addition to running her business, Ms. Berthold is the Maryland Advocacy Director for Women impacting Public Policy, and has volunteered for many nonprofit or civic organizations such as The Baltimore/Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce, the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board Aerospace Committee, and the Public Transportation Board of Howard County.
Ms Berthold may be reached through the web site: or at 866-579-1346.
TargetGov Teleconferences
Did you miss one or more of the exclusive TargetGov Teleconferences? Do not worry, you can order both the teleconference and the accompanying Toolkit right now!
Immediately upon completing your order, you will be able to download the Toolkit, and your CD will be shipped to you within 24 hours of your order.
Sample listing: "Selling to the Army", "Powerful Sales Tools to Win Contracts", "BRAC Business Opportunities", "Intelligence Agency Contracting", "Introduction to Government Business Development", "Non-Profits, Grants & Gov't Contracting", "Fiscal Year End Business Building Strategies", and "Naval Surface Warfare Center Contracting"
2007 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Conference
You are cordially invited to attend this event. WMATA have assembled anumber of timely workshops and distinguished speakers for this event. Workshop topics were developed from surveys we conducted from industrybusinesses.
The agenda is as follows:
• Registration and Continental Breakfast (8:00 am to 8:45 am)
• Opening Remarks (8:45 am to 9:00 am)
• Exhibit Hall - Meet with Large Corporations and Government Agencies (9:00 am - 2:00 pm)
• Bank Lending and Financial Services (9:00 am to 10:00 am)
• Bonding and Insurance (10:05 am to 11:00 am)
• How to Market to the Federal Government (Gloria Berthold is speaking!) and Get a GSA Schedule (11:05 am to 12:00 pm)
• Building Wealth and Protecting Your Business (12:05 pm to 1:00 pm)
• Closing Remarks (1:05 pm to 1:20 pm)
We look forward to seeing you on July 25th and hope that you willparticipate in this, which is one of many events that WMATA will sponsorto help you market your business. Attached, please find a registrationform, which you should complete and return via fax # 202-962-2038. Should you have any additional questions or require further assistancecontact us via email at
WIPP Legislative and Regulatory News
Ø The U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 (H.R. 2206), was passed by Congress and signed into law May 25. WIPP worked on several provisions which were included in the final bill, which contains several important victories for small business and for WIPP. The bill contained a $4.8 billion tax break package for small businesses. One of the provisions that WIPP advocated for in the Small Business Tax Break package was included in the final bill. The WIPP-backed provision calls for the extension of Section 179 expensing to be extended through 2008 and the expensing limit was increased to $125,000. The bill also contained language for Women’s Business Center (WBC) grant renewal, so that all successful WBCs will be able to apply for renewable grant funding on a 3-year cycle. Thanks to the WIPP members who took action on these issues throughout the past weeks as these are important victories for WIPP.
Ø The WIPP Maryland Instant Impact Team will hold its next team conference call to discuss issues and the upcoming meeting with Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) on July 18 at 9:30am eastern. All MD WIPP members are welcome. Tune in learn more about WIPP’s MD efforts. Team leaders for MD are Gloria Berthold, President, TargetGov, Elkridge, MD and Magdalah Silva, President, DMS International, Inc., Silver Spring, MD. To learn more and to RSVP email
Ø Note from Gloria: If you are NOT a WIPP member and would like to dial in and see what this is all about, I would be happy to have you as my guest. Please send me an email to and let me know.
Ø Are You Ready for the Exaflood? Click here to connect to a short video from the Fiber to the Home Council to learn about the changing needs of the Internet and how it will affect your business.
Doing Business With the Department of Education
Doing Business with the Department of Education —TargetGov Teleconference
Learn How to Graduate to Future Business Opportunities
July 19, 2007 Thursday, 1:00 to 2:00 pm EST No Cost to Attend!
NO COST TO ATTEND! Learn what you can do to open the door to doing business with the Department of Education and increase your government contracting revenues.
Accounting for Government Contractors
June 28, 2007 Thursday, 1:00-2:00pm EST (check your local time zone)
Most government contractors do not consider their accounting needs until after they win a contract. This can be a recipe for disaster. Successful companies know what is required to satisfy special government contract needs and prepares upfront – even before preparing the proposal! Attend this TargetGov Teleconference for the most informative hour you can spend and save yourself frustration and worry about pricing and audits!
The Insider: Working with the Government
GBTC Members time and again have asked the following question: "How can they effectively conduct business with the government." If you are interested in rolling up your sleeves and hearing from others who have been there and done that…join us at the next "The Insider".
"Working with the Government"
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Baltimore, MD
$20 - Members
Click Here to Register
Christopher Foster, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Northrop Grumman Corporation's Government Systems Division
Tom Loveland, CEO, Mind Over Machines
Gloria Berthold, President, TargetGov at Marketing Outsource Associates, Inc.
For all companies, navigating the waters of government agencies can be tricky. Find out the opportunities that large and small businesses are taking advantage of. Whether you are already working with the government or looking to get your foot in the door, this program will strengthen your company's strategic approach.
This session will be interactive. Attendees will be called on to share their own "working with the government" experiences -- the good, the bad and what they learned along the way. So be prepared to share and ask questions - no wallflowers allowed. "The Insider" was created to provide peer to peer learning through discussion guided by experts. This is your chance to see behind the curtain and get an insiders view of how others are tackling this issue.
More info:
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Minority Enterprise Executive Council Awards Gloria Berthold as a National Influential Entrepreneur
The Minority Enterprise Executive Council assists and promotes the interests of minority groups such as women, African-Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans and Hispanic American entrepreneurs. They initiate, encourage and promote the advancement and development of small and disadvantaged minority/women-owned businesses. The honorees will also be profiled in the June 2007 edition of MEA magazine which is the official magazine of the gala.
The Minority Enterprise Executive Council’s 9th Annual National Awards Ceremony to honor the 2007 fifty influential entrepreneurs in business award recipients is scheduled for Wednesday June 27, 2007 at 6:00 pm at the Fairmont Washington D.C. Hotel. The theme for the award this year is “Applauding the Vision of Success”.
Gloria Berthold, President of TargetGov since 1997, brings a rich background of accomplishments as an awardee. In 2006, she was chosen as one of five US business women to travel to the Middle East to mentor and counsel business women from 17 countries throughout North Africa and the Middle East regarding building their own economic independence as new business owners. Here in the U.S., she offers practical advice and counsel to help business owners to be more effective and understand the realities of time and financial commitment needed to create a successful business. In addition to running her business, she is the Maryland Advocacy Director for Women impacting Public Policy, and has volunteered for many nonprofit or civic organizations such as The Baltimore/Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce, the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board Aerospace Committee, and the Public Transportation Board of Howard County.
TargetGov is a division of Marketing Outsource Associates, Inc., a full service business development and marketing firm. It is a woman-owned, privately held company specializing in government contracting business development at federal, state, and local levels. Ms. Berthold, President, is a government contractor and an expert author and speaker regarding government contracting. She has instructed contractors regarding government business development in recent teleconferences and procurement conferences and has been quoted in USA Today, Inc. Magazine and Government Executive Magazine. She may be reached through the web site: or at 866-579-1346.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Selling Deep Versus Selling Wide
Read the article "Selling Deep Versus Selling Wide" to learn more.
Michelle Nichols is a sales speaker, trainer, and consultant based in Reno, Nevada. She is also the Savvy Selling columnist and podcast host for Ms. Nichols recently joined in a teleconference with Gloria Berthold on "Powerful Sales Tools to Win Contracts" the CD and Toolkit of this teleconference are now available for purchase.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Fast Track to Government Contracting
Did you know that Maryland companies (including ones just like yours) sell over $20 BILLION to the federal government every year? The federal government buys over $400 Billion every year throughout the entire U.S. Isn't it time for your company to enter this lucrative market?
If your company has wanted to enter the government contracting market quickly and effectively, this Fast Track Workshop is exactly for you.
Sponsored by:
The Fast Track to Federal Contracts is a one day hands-on intensive workshop specifically for established companies who want immediate entry into the federal contracting market.
Date: June 19, 2007
Time: 8:30 to 4:00
Location: Courtyard Marriott, Ft Meade, MD
Workshop size: Limited due to the hands-on, one-on-one approach.
Register today to guarantee your seat!
Do you want to enter the federal contracting market right away?
Shorten the learning curve and in just one day you will be able to launch your federal business development plan!
Berthold on HC Public Transportation Board
Berthold Awarded as Influential Entrepreneur
Gloria Berthold will be awarded the Minority Enterprise Executive Council’s award of “Fifty Influential Entrepreneurs in Business Award.” Gloria Berthold was chosen for this national award based on her commitment to business growth, professional excellence and to her community. She is also helping shape our economic future, and making a difference in her field.
The Minority Enterprise Executive Council is a council that assists and promotes the interests of minority groups such as Women, African-Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans and Hispanic American entrepreneurs. They initiate, encourage and promote the advancement and development of small and disadvantage minority/women-owned businesses. The honorees will also be profiled in the June 2007 edition of MEA magazine, which is the official magazine of the gala.
The Minority Enterprise Executive Council 9th Annual National Awards Ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday June 27, 2007 at 6:00pm to 10pm to honor its fifty influential entrepreneurs in business award recipients. The theme for the award this year is “Applauding the Vision of Success” and is being held at the Fairmont Washington D.C. hotel.
This year one woman that is being honored is Gloria Berthold, president of TargetGov since 1997. In 2006 she was chosen as one of five US business women to travel to the Middle East in November 2006 to mentor and counsel business women from 17 countries through out North Africa and the Middle East. She offers practical advice and counsel to help business owners to be more effective and understand the realities of time and financial commitment. She currently is the Maryland Advocacy Director, for Women impacting Public Policy, and has worked for many nonprofit or civic organizations such as The Baltimore/Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce; the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board Aerospace Committee and the Public Transportation Board of Howard County.
TargetGov is a division of Marketing Outsource Associates, Inc., a full service business development and marketing firm. It is woman-owned, privately held company specializing in government contracting business development at federal, state and local levels. Ms. Gloria Berthold, president, is a government contractor and an expert author and speaker regarding government contracting. She has instructed contractors regarding government business development in recent teleconferences and procurement conferences and has been quoted in USA Today, Inc. Magazine and Government Executive Magazine. She may be reached through the web site: or at 866-579-1346.
J-Ref's "Down to Business"
Tune into J-Ref’s new television program “Down To Business.” The program airs on Comcast Howard County Channel 73 with host Michael Mobley on Mondays 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and 8:00 pmand Wednesday & Fridays 8:00pm. May’s guests include our very own Gloria Berthold.
Small Business Contracting Goal May Increase
Federal agencies would be required to spend at least 30 percent of their prime contracting dollars with small businesses under legislation approved by the House Small Business Committee. If enacted -- and enforced -- this could mean billions of dollars' worth of new contracts for small businesses. The current contracting goal is 23 percent.
The Small Business Administration contends agencies exceeded the contracting goal in fiscal 2005, but its calculations exclude contracts performed overseas. The legislation ends this exclusion, which the National Small Business Association says will result in a more accurate accounting of small business procurement.
The bill also includes provisions aimed at making sure that contracts awarded to large businesses aren't mistakenly counted as small business contracts. An analysis by House committee staff found that $12 billion in contracts credited to small businesses in fiscal 2005 actually went to large businesses or other entities that weren't small businesses.
The legislation also expands the definition of contract bundling, thereby making it more difficult for agencies to combine contracts into packages that are too large or complex for small businesses to handle. The bill also allows business or trade associations to appeal agency procurement decisions. The Office of Federal Procurement Policy would review disputes between the SBA and procurement agencies over contract decisions.
The text of the Small Business Fairness in Contracting Act (H.R. 1873) is available at
Cleaning Up Contracting
Government contracting is big business -- not only for the industrial behemoths like Boeing and Lockheed Martin, but also for thousands of small business owners located across the
Learn more about the Center for American Progress initiative on competitive contracting and read the May 2007 report, A Return to Competitive Contracting, by Scott Lilly. © 2007 The Public Forum Institute
White House Opposes Small Business Measure
The White House announced its opposition today to a measure intended to increase the amount of federal contracts awarded to small businesses.
Bill supporters nonetheless expect the legislation (HR 1873) to pass with broad bipartisan support when it comes to the House floor tomorrow. The House Rules Committee was to meet at 3 p.m. to consider a rule for the bill
In a statement of administration policy, the White House said it supports efforts to boost contracting opportunities for small businesses, but opposes this bill because “it would impose broad, burdensome statutory restrictions on federal agencies’ ability to conduct acquisitions and establish unrealistic small business procurement goals.”
Sponsored by Bruce Braley, D-Iowa, the bill would increase the federal government’s small business procurement goal to 25 percent from 23 percent. That goal reflects an amendment adopted during the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee markup scaling back a higher bar of 30 percent approved by the Small Business Committee during its markup.
The bill would further clarify the definition of contract bundling, a change the White House criticized as “overly-expansive” and one that “would impose costly and time-consuming requirements on thousands of agency acquisitions.”
CQ Today Midday Update
SBA Faces Tough Reception on Capitol Hill
The House and Senate Small Business Committees have been holding a series of hearings on Small Business Administration programs and, generally, the reception for SBA has been pretty frosty. On May 22, the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship held a hearing to examine SBA’s efforts to promote minority business development. While SBA touted data showing an increase in minority business ownership, a bipartisan group of Senators criticized the agency for failure to better track and promote minority contracting opportunities. SBA was also criticized for its failure to take a tough stance against contract bundling. Meanwhile, the House Small Business Committee has passed a package of proposals designed to improve SBA’s outreach efforts to veterans, Native Americans, women, and minority business owners. Similar legislation is also being considered in the Senate.
Access more information about the May 22, 2007 Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee hearing on minority entrepreneurship.
Learn more about the House Small Business Committee’s efforts to promote entrepreneurial development.
© 2007 The Public Forum Institute and the National Dialogue on Entrepreneurship
Will Taxes Increase Soon?
State sales tax receipts rebounded last month after a poor showing in March, assuaging fears that
April also saw strong individual income tax growth, with a jump of more than 13 percent from the April 2006 numbers. Income tax receipts for March had been weaker than expected.
March’s decline had policymakers and fiscal analysts worried that, if the decline was indicative of what was to come in future months, the state’s total revenue for the fiscal year would be well below estimates. With lawmakers already grappling with a $1.5 billion gap between expected revenues and spending commitments, any further revenue decline would have had serious implications.
“It’s just a relief,” said Warren G. Deschenaux Jr., chief fiscal analyst for the legislature. “There was concern that, given the softness that we saw in March, that it foretold something ugly with respect to final payments of the income tax.”
April’s revenue collections indicate that, despite March’s blip, the state is on track with the official estimates for the year, with the exception of the sales tax. Comptroller Peter Franchot’s letter accompanying April’s revenue summary noted that sales tax receipts are the only revenue source that is below expectations for the year. Deschenaux said analysts had expected to see growth in sales tax collections of about 4 percent for the fiscal year, which ends June 30. But so far collections for the year indicate growth of only 2.2 percent. “So long as the housing sector is soft, that sector of the sales tax is going to be depressed,” he said.
Gov. Martin O’Malley and legislative leaders put off dealing with the budget deficit during the session that ended last month, allowing O’Malley to take time to look for efficiencies in state agencies. But chatter has increased about the possibility of a special session later this year to deal the shortfall. The General Assembly is expected to consider a combination of budget cuts, tax increases and slot machines to raise the money needed to fulfill the state’s spending commitments.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Learn how to Build Your Business by Selling to the Army
Business Opportunities with Military Customers
Washington, DC. The national teleconference, “Selling to the Army” will be held Thursday, June 14, 2007 from 1:00 to 2:00pm EST. No wasted travel time or expenses, you attend directly from your own phone, at your office. The US Army buys billions of dollars in services and products of all types from companies throughout the entire US every year. Are you selling to the Army now? Are you selling as much as you can to the Army? Attend this teleconference to find out how to open the door to more profitable business opportunities.
Expert speakers at the teleconference include Nancy D. Small and Gloria Berthold. Nancy D. Small is the Assistant to the Director, Army Small Business Programs Office. She is also the Program Manager for both the Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) and 8(a) / Small Disadvantaged Business (8(a)/SDB) for the Secretary of the Army, Small Business Office. She began her career in 1985 as an Army Material Command (AMC) Contracting and Acquisition, intern at the Army Aviation Systems Command (AVSCOM), St. Louis, MO. She soon moved up and has won awards in the process.
Gloria Berthold is the President of Marketing Outsource Associates, Inc. (MOA) and its division, TargetGov which focuses on government procurement and related business development services. She is the author of “The Veterans Guide to Government Business” (book). And she created a complete series of Government Business Guides highlighting various federal agencies.
The cost of this teleconference is $89.00, which includes both the teleconference and the 50+ page exclusive toolkit detailing all information needed for your business development success. For more information and to register go to and click on the teleconference button in the top right corner.