Thursday, October 09, 2008

ODNI Announces New Security Policy for Information Systems

A groundbreaking new policy from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence changes how the intelligence community and, by influence, the entire federal government will build, validate and approve information technology systems. The policy requires common security controls and risk-management procedures – a unified approach to enhance collaboration.
Click here for the entire article

Have you won a government contract?

Send your announcement with the following information included and we’ll consider it for the Winning Contracts column for Corridor Inc.

Major Wins
Winning Contracts Presented by

Click here to see a recent column on the Corridor site.

Please include this information:
1. Your company name
2. Your location (City, State)
3. Your contact information (name, email, phone)
4. What agency awarded the contract
5. The contract amount
6. What services or products you are providing
7. Any other appropriate information

Please send the information to